Saturday, June 7, 2014


Fear of being abandoned

Fear of being smothered

It's an odd fact that these two rear their ugly heads simultaneously in a relationship as our "other half" mentality takes over and convinces us that we're incomplete without a partner.  The "first half," our original self, pushes back and demands autonomy, independence, and control of our destiny.

Being split down the middle while battling these "selves" gets easier as we age BUT it's annoying.  Women from both sides of the camp ponder the possibilities and stress about a final answer.

I've found that discussing this topic with women is as fulfilling as arguing the Democrat/Republican perspective, religion, or any number of divisive issues.  No one's situation fits the black and white answer that society demands.  Instead, we're as stretched as a used band-aid losing our "sticky" with each argument and experience.

BALANCE has never been more important than in midlife as we embark upon acrimonious paths and battles raged between and among the sexes.

The totality of our peace depends upon finding a sweet spot with someone who is open to the "two selves" struggling to find acceptance with oneself as well as with another.

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