Saturday, June 21, 2014


I can't help but laugh looking at this feature from Iyanla Vansant as it's indicative of my funny life when it comes to being single.

Affirm - If my choices do not bring forth the best in myself and others, I am free to choose again.

The Dating Game or Let's Make a Deal?  Choosing a mate as an adult versus the 23 year old child that I was back in the's enough to make a girl/woman/ingenue toss up her hands in despair!  Instead, I'm advised to forget the tossing and just keep knocking at the doors of potential.

Undaunted, I do and I will.  I'm being told by many friends that they went through this process in their twenties and that I should allow the process to play itself out.  Interesting but not necessarily the correct process for me.  After all, I didn't go that route and ended up with a mostly successful marriage, children nearly launched and two adults who are finding their own peace.  Also, I didn't allow emotion to blow up the bank, disrupt someone else's home place or put unrealistic demands on my ex.  But who can really be whole after a divorce?  The void that caused the divorce still demands to be filled.

And so I keep moving onto the next door with pure hope and earned skepticism in my heart.  I'm not planning a decade long excursion of trying to find the ultimate man who fits every single category.  Unrealistic.  Instead, character and chemistry make for the best match.  They must coexist and with that, we shall go behind closed doors....  winkwink

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