Today's "hackers" can stake claim to this new moniker but I grew up observing my grandfather perfect the art of hacking. Many among his generation might also argue that they too are the original hackers. Survivors of The Great Depression, war time rationing, etc. set about up-cycling and inventing new uses for the ordinary, transforming how we viewed everyday objects. Consumerism took a back seat to necessary reinvention and society as a whole profited from this outlook.
Post war times brought many back to the sales counter and my grandfather partook in the new gadgets as well. He was the first to set up a television in the backwoods of his small community and he was an active ham radio participant. I remember my grandmother railing at him for setting up huge antennas but it didn't stop him...he simply disguised them better or made sure the landscaping was up to her standards.
Many mornings I would see him walking alongside the road picking up litter that marred his property. He didn't throw it all away; he kept a collection of vintage liquor bottles in one of his sheds as well as hub caps. Long before there were "man caves," he built various sheds to hold his found treasures. Waiting for the next great financial calamity was part of his generation's psyche...they truly felt the hunger and despair. My generation has seen nothing like this and I can only hope that I nor my children ever will.
Often times, I tell people that I grew up in the area that was ground center for the "War on Poverty/Hunger" yet I did not go hungry nor want for necessities. The lessons my grandparents learned were to save, to survive, to hack enough to keep clothes, food, and shelter in abundance for their families. Even now, I tease my children that I'm headed back to the hills for an apocalypse. It is ground zero for survival and I take pleasure in my own small hack jobs.
Young hackers who spend time on YouTube learning and teaching others, keep up the good work! Past generations are counting on you to pay it forward, to survive, to persevere and hack on.
For Grandpa Clint, Happy Hacker's/Father's Day! You live on in each project I pursue.
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