Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LaBel m' lifE

My friends have called me on it I might give a person a label as a descriptor.  The attorney, the teacher, the SAHM, the old guy and so forth as I hope it gives me an answer to the person they might be.

It doesn't I suppose.  I want it to and I believe many of us do which is why labels are so popular.  It's easier to deal with a label and an expected outcome rather than guessing.

Guessing or labeling?  Same result.  However a  person presents themselves is not indicative of who they are.  It's just a public persona or even a wishful thought.

When we meet someone for the first time, polite conversation leads to the question of "What do you do?"

Instead, how might someone react to the polite inquiry of "Besides your name, who are you?"

Yes, setting aside the name, the occupation, etc., who are you?  Who am I?  Can an answer be brought forth that is not a label?

I am mother.  I am former wife.  I am aging baby boomer.  Labels.  Without them, I am finding it difficult to answer the question of my being.  Who am I being?

What is the being of me at this present moment?

Who are you without the labels?

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