Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kid Help?

Turnabout is fair play.  I had NOT expected to be tutored by my children when it comes to my dating life.  What interest would they have?  They've only met a couple of men and that was accidental, fleeting and completely NOT inappropriate.

So why would they be interested in how I conduct myself?  Upon receiving this question, they had no definitive answer other than, "We don't want you to be lonely."

I couldn't help but chuckle.  I don't remember them being worried about my loneliness when I was knee deep in domestic duties for them and their father.  Therein lies the problem with the "stay at home mother" kids only saw me serving them.  Yes, I was the gung ho volunteer who did the ferrying about of teams, etc.  Often, it was me hosting the parties and fund raisers and the multitude of activities that make a kid's life run smoothly.  But what did they see me doing that was just for me and not for the good of the household?

When I went back to school for Interior Decor, they were both young and self-absorbed enough to not pay attention to that.  Also, I did not slack up on any of their needs so it was probably a non-event for them.  As teenagers in Florida, they have again seen me wholly devoted to making the household and family unit run as smoothly as possible with the exception of the last 7 months.  With one child in college and the other busy and independent, they must wonder what Mom does with herself all day....

They have become curious about who Mama should be seeing and how often and of course, are open to giving me unsolicited advice.  Whereas my adult friends urge me to "date around" and taste all the flowers, my daughter especially wants me to find that special "one."  Hmmm, and why would just one suffice, I ask her?

"Mom, really...could you handle dating more than one guy at a time?"

Good point knowing my attention span but after being with "one" for a quarter century, isn't it time for me to branch out like the other ladies?

"That's called a HO, Mom!"

Ahh, welcome to teenage world.  Pick one and go "steady" for a while....  My daughter knows me well (I'm perplexed they still use the word steady) and she's right, I have to focus on someone to figure out how they will play in my life.  That's the case with all the new friends I'm making too.

My son is more quiet on this issue but certainly concerned about me.  His comments lead me to believe that there isn't a man prepared for me out there.  I have yet to figure out if that is a compliment or an insult....

Regardless, it is heartening to feel their concern.  They seem confident that they are the center of my universe and they're mostly correct.  How will they feel when I share myself with someone else as their father is currently doing?  I can't allay their angst about that but perhaps by conducting myself differently, I can give them peace that their Mama is not lonely...even if I do end up alone.  :-)

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