Monday, September 22, 2014

The Wheel

Why reinvent the wheel?  Because we want to make it better.  Why do we want to make it better?  Because humanity's instincts demand it and it is inescapable.  Each life, each progression carries us along this river of evolution and without fail, those of us who try to escape the current are drawn back to continue the least those of us who are committed to the ideal of expanding one's humanity.

We are compelled to seek a meaningful life as doing otherwise turns us into apathetic survivors who fail those unable to reach life's bountiful river.  For those individuals who did not win the genetic or geographic lottery, it is morally criminal to NOT strive for happiness and fulfillment.

Hopes and dreams for each other depend on someone to reach the peak showing the way.  The definition of happiness or success varies but the pathway up the mountain looks similar for everyone.

I can abide by those who fail trying...I cannot stomach those who fail to try.

A meaning for life is simple for me.  I get up and try to progress each day in honor of every soul who wasn't given a chance to try.

Why reinvent life?  Because I want to make it better.  Why do I want to make it better?  Because I've been fortunate enough to have the chance to do so.

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