By reading all these self help books, one would think I would be prepared for an encounter with an anxiety ridden divorced man. Alas, I was taken completely by surprise when I observed a poor fellow encounter his own divorce demon...a demon chanting "I'm not ready for this" silently in his head while he tried to enjoy his evening.
Seeing this first hand, I wonder at my own preparedness. If I get a clamoring from my inner demons, will I have the guts to simply call a stop to the date and declare, "I'm not ready for this" or will I sit there tied up in anxiety ridden knots until I can escape into the evening?
As a good friend pointed out, my divorce was simply an end to a long painful process. This gentleman, who was taken by surprise at his marriage's end, is entering his process of pain. He's embarrassed by his perceived weakness so I don't get a chance to reassure him. Were I to get the chance, I might say something like this:
"It's really okay. Even though my experience at dating is just a couple months longer than yours, that short period of time has been ripe with poignancy and comedy. One date at a time will teach you much about yourself and a lot about the opposite sex. Don't give up on the process. When you figure out that you ARE ready again, just remember that folks who are divorced at our age have more in common than not. It's really okay."