Yes, it's a failing because I tend to focus on that nugget rather than the gut feeling of "Run, this is not a good thing!"
I'm ready to accept this weakness and begin the process of making it a strength. I sooooooooo want to believe in the inherent goodness of people that I truly don't want to be open to their ugliness. The longer I venture into the world, I'm convinced that some kind of protective bubble encases me! Otherwise, I would surely get into more scrapes because some of my choices deserve a great big raw and bloody wipe out!
But I'm learning. And tonight I closed the door to a dark man before he could get more than a boot tip across the threshold of my too soft countenance.
The wolves will never tame themselves and they will always go back to their own...just as the dark men will don their sheep's clothing and when we're not looking...they will strike for their own reward.
Darkness has been dodged again. And I'm learning without too much collateral damage.